viernes, 20 de noviembre de 2015

Hello everybody, today I’m going to talk about some reflections about my year…

Well, this year I join to university, so I think that that is a good experience, I met wonderful people and I have learned many things. As well as, this year I have a job, this is important too.

I think that the most important thing that occurred in this year it’s that I met really good persons in the university. Initially, I thought that the university will be ghastly (well, sometimes it’s) and the people will be competitive and unfriendly, but that the reality it’s that the people are very nice… Even, I can say that I have some friends.

In other side, my cousin is married and my other cousin will have a baby! This it’s important for me, because I will be a godmother!. As well as, I think that I’ve grown and my mom relies more on me… that it’s a really important for me, because now I can live alone in my department.

Well, like the life it’s a roller coaster, the bad things in this year are that I broke with my boyfriend (the reality it’s that it’s a good fact) and my cat, Janis, died.

My achievements are two; the first is that I could pass my first semester! And the second are that I learned cook! So, now I will don't die when my mother will don't be with me!

My goals for the next year will be learn portugues, adopt more cats and pass my entire subject!

Well, nonetheless I guess that 2015 was a good year.


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