miércoles, 15 de abril de 2015

My favorite page of internet is twitter. I love Twitter, I think I visit this page two or three hours every day, because I can use it as a personal diary and put my opinions and emotions into words.

Also, I can follow my favorite artists and find out everything they’re doing by reading their tweets. And if I get lucky, I can “talk” to them. All this in the same time!

However, this is not the only page I frequently use. In fact, I use Facebook more, because Twitter is not famous, so not many people use it as a social network, so if I need to talk to someone, I use Facebook or Whatsapp.So, basically, I love Twitter, so if you have one, follow me: @melysongaaa

1 comentario:

  1. OH! i don't know how works twitter is so complicated for me!!! you must to teach me!! :(
